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Devotion or Devotions?

Ever been asked “how are your devotions?” Or perhaps you’ve asked yourself that recently, ashamed by how long it’s been since you’ve opened your Bible. In John 6, people who “followed” Jesus asked “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God? Jesus answered ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in Him Whom He sent’.” A list of do’s and don’t’s makes it possible for us to measure our goodness by how well we do at keeping them. But our works don’t earn God’s favor nor do they keep it. They fell into the same trap we find ourselves in. How well am I doing at being a Christian?, we ask. How can I do better? But THE work (singular!) God is interested in is that we believe in Jesus. That we lean into HIS work on the cross. And then as we stand in wonder of His great sacrifice, His immeasurable grace, and His immense love, our every action will be birthed out of gratitude, humility, and faith building a life that brings Him the most glory because it speaks of Him, not us. One thing is needful, have faith. In Me. That’s what Jesus was challenging the people with in John 6. And in the end, many of his “followers” turned away. But the few who stayed said this: “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also, we have come to believe and know YOU are the Christ, Son of the living God.” Their devotion was to Jesus. Not to their religious duties or standing. Not to what they might do themselves. They were faithful, because they were full of faith. Not full of their own goodness, but deliberately resting in His goodness. This is the true test, the real question. It isn’t so much “how are your devotions?” Plural. But “how is your devotion?” Singular. “To Whom is your devotion?” When our hearts are rooted in the gospel, our lives blossom with the Fruit of the Spirit. That’s abiding in Christ. And this will take us to the Bible-but not to prove ourselves a good Christian, but to delight in and learn more of HIM.

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