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Being a disciple literally means to be a "learner". That means being a disciple of Jesus is being a learner of Him. Someone who studies His ways, His characters, and follows after His heart.

The more we learn about Jesus, the more we will begin to look like Him. That's what we call discipleship: helping others become more like Christ.  

I want to be a learner of Jesus and I want to invite you to alongside me in that journey. That's the motivation behind offering Biblical Counseling, Mentoring, Accountability and Instruction here on this website.

I want to learn with you. I want to learn more about Jesus with you and in doing so watch as both of us develop more Christ-like attitudes, actions, and desires as we pursue Him.

Learning takes place best with others.


I hope you'll peruse the following resources available here and allow me the privilege of learning with you.


We're Better Together.


Biblical Counseling

Find hope, help, & change in God's Word to navigate the challenges of life.



Receive personalized encouragement, prayer, & support to help fuel your daily walk with God.   



Team up with other members to share goals, reminders, & support, and celebrate growth together.

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