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Become A Mentor

As this ministry grows, I would love to see mentoring relationships take place between each of you.


I’ve found the place I grow the most is when I’m teaching others. That’s a huge motivation behind therealpaperhearts. And I want to give you the opportunity to learn by teaching, too.


If you’re interested in becoming a mentor, I invite you to fill out the questionnaire form to receive helpful resources and be paired up with a mentee.

I’ll act as your mentor and will be available to give encouragement, help, and prayer support to you as you give of yourself to another.


If you’re not quite ready to take on the role of being a mentor, but you want to give back in another way you can get involved is as a prayer partner.


Finding ways to pour into others as you continue to learn will strengthen and bless you in unimaginable ways. And this is a great way to start! I hope you'll join in.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me!

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, sign up here!



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